Sunday, May 20, 2012

Lorac Behind the Scenes Eye Primer

 Every makeup aficionado will tell you that one of the absolute essential products is a good eye primer. For some reason this particular product category seems to spark a somewhat heated debate. I guess it just goes to show how necessary this item is and that once you’ve found your promised land eye primer you tend to get a tad animated in your discussions on the subject. Well, I’m not trying to add to the debate... only to share an honest opinion. Hey, maybe my favorite is one you’ve never tried and you might find that it works for you. If you’re absolutely sold on the primer you use, more power to ya’, girl!

For those of you who don’t yet know me, let me clue you in - I’m a true makeup junkie. On the web we makeup junkies are a dime a dozen; what might set me slightly apart is how long I’ve been at it - decades. Yes, that means I’m old - not ancient but certainly “mature” by internet beauty circle standards. I could let that get me down, but I choose to see it as the advantage of experience. I still have my very first MAC lipstick which is close to 20 years old. I have eyeshadows from department store lines which no longer exist. I say all of this just to give you an idea of where I’m coming from and how much experience I have in being both a consumer and a professional in the beauty industry. 
When it comes to eye primers, I’ve been trying various incarnations of these eye shadow bases long before the current front runners even came along. What you want from these guys is pretty universal and basic: non-slip, no-crease eye shadow hold as well as ensuring a true, high intensity color pay-off. To be honest, there are several excellent eye primers that fill this bill. The question is how it works in real life for you!
Lorac Behind the Scenes Eye Primer is my go to pick time and time again. Even when I have other options on hand for reviewing purposes or professional use, I find myself digging through my bag for the Lorac. Why? Well, first of all it truly does make any eye shadow wear like iron - absolutely no smudging, budging, or creasing - including when you get caught in the pouring rain! I’ve even tested it at the gym -not even one hour of intensive, sweat-dripping cardio could dislodge that eye makeup! Amazing. 
Truth be told, though, there are several other very popular eye primers that do all of that just as well. What’s different about Lorac to me is the way it makes my eye lids look. The Lorac primer goes on smooth and easy (with no color, by the way) and leaves my lids looking and feeling hydrated and toned - not dry as the Sahara like some other primers tend to do on me. One really popular primer seems to suck every drop of moisture out of my eye lids and leaves them looking flaky and -dare I say it? - wrinkled.  For folks with super oily lids I can see that might be a plus.  My lids are neither dry nor oily, and the rest of my skin tends toward oily so I found it surprising how drying some primers can be on me. 
Anyway, Lorac Behind the Scenes Eye Primer does it all in my opinion. It looks great and feels great and keeps shadow looking freshly applied even through sleeping! (I know, bad girl for sleeping in my makeup!) 
One thing I hadn’t mentioned much is the color pay - off question. Since Lorac goes on nearly colorless, it doesn’t compete with ANY shadow color.  All shades I’ve tried with it, from lightest to darkest, come up true and the intensity builds easily - even when used with much cheaper shadow brands.
At the risk of inciting a riot, I’d love to know what you use as an eye primer and why you like it. How many have you tried?

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